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Themes- Jewelry

Jewelry is a responsive theme designed to look sharp across all devices, whether it be smartphones, tablets or PC devices. It is also optimized for SEO and fast browsing.
This theme is compatible with all the settings you can find on the admin page, as well as Smart Themes. You can freely edit the HTML, CSS and JS of this theme using the code editor.
Cafe24's responsive themes use WebP, an image format that provides superior lossless compression for images, to minimize the image loading speed.
Internet Explorer, however, does not support WebP images, so you will also need to use .jpg, .png, .gif or other supported image formats.
Read the guide below for more information on how to edit this theme and change images.
This guide was created based on the admin website’s Advanced Mode and Smart themes.
You can read the Admin Guidelines for more details on the editor.

Get Jewelry from the Cafe24 Storeoutlink_icon.PNG



Content guide

1. Adding products

1) Product images

From your Cafe24 admin, you can change the size of your images in Products > Add product > Advanced settings > Product images.


Select [Add multiple images] to add a different image for the product image and the list thumbnail image. Before adding any images, click [Adjust size] to change the size of your images.


Recommended image sizes 

Product image/Enlarged image List thumbnail image Additional image
500 x 630 px 400 x 500 px 232 x 290 px


2) Additional product images

From your Cafe24 admin, you can register additional product images for your product details page in Products > Add product > Advanced settings > Additional image.


These images can be found in the product image section of the product, as thumbnails underneath the main product image on your store’s PC version or as an image slider on its mobile version.

PC Smartphone
image2022-2-14_11-29-19.png image2022-2-14_11-30-2.png


3) Product data display

From your Cafe24 admin, you can change the style of product prices and product summaries in Product > Products > Product data display.
You can configure these settings separately for every type of page using the tabs: home page, product list and product details.
You can also adjust the settings differently for each product category in the home page and product list tabs. Choose the product information you want to display.


This menu does not allow you to change the display settings of product information included in the “Recommended products” and “New products” sliders for each product category.





2. Layout

1) Logo

Add your store logo in Smart Themes Editor > Logo section > Edit > Properties.
To make sure your logo is clearly visible on mobile devices, add an image that is twice as big as the size you actually see.
(For example, if the image size on screen is 104 x 27 px, you must upload a 208 x 54 px image. *Recommended image: 208 x 54 px)



2) Product categories

From your Cafe24 admin, you can configure product categories in Products > Categories > Product categories.


Your product categories will appear in your theme's header and sidebar.



3) Footer information

From your Cafe24 admin, you can configure your store information in My Store > General > Store profile.
These details will appear in your theme's footer.



4) Social media links

You can link your social media accounts in the header and footer sections of your website, as well as at the bottom of the sidebar menu on smartphones.
Open "/layout/basic/top_head.html", "/layout/basic/footer.html", and "layout/basic/sidebar.html” in the editor.


In each file, find the source codes below and replace the content in the href="” attribute of the <a> tag with a link to your account.

<div class="sns">
<a href="Link"><!--@import(/svg/icon-instagram.html)-->instagram</a>
<a href="Link"><!--@import(/svg/icon-facebook.html)-->facebook</a>
<a href="Link"><!--@import(/svg/icon-youtube.html)-->youtube</a>
<a href="Link"><!--@import(/svg/icon-twitter.html)-->twitter</a>



3. Main contents

In the editor, click the area relevant to the main contents to select the section.


1) Top banner slider

This banner slider placed at the top of your landing page is your store's main visual element.


Changing the images

  1. Place the URL link to which you want to redirect users in the href="" attribute of the <a> tag under <div class="here">.
  2. Edit the text between <h2 class="text"> and </h2>.
  3. Prepare a WebP and JPG/PNG/GIF image each for PC, tablets and smartphones.
  4. Add the WebP image to the source srcset="” attribute.
  5. Add the JPG/PNG/GIF image to the img src="” attribute.
<div class="swiper-slide">
<div class="item">
<div class="here">
<h2 class="text">Banner text</h2>
<a href="Link" class="button">shop now</a>
<!-- PC image -->
<picture class="RW">
<source srcset="Banner image_PC.webp" type="image/webp">
<img src="Banner image_PC.jpg" width="100%" height="100%" alt="main banner">
<!-- tablet image -->
<picture class="RTB">
<source srcset="Banner image_Tablet.webp" type="image/webp" />
<img src="Banner image_Tablet.jpg" width="100%" height="100%" alt="main banner">
<!-- mobile image -->
<picture class="RMB">
<source srcset="Banner image_Smartphone.webp" type="image/webp" />
<img src="Banner image_Smartphone.jpg" width="100%" height="100%" alt="main banner">

Recommended image sizes 

PC Tablet Smartphone
1820 x 620 px 720 x 777 px 328 x 390 px

This banner slider has two images by default. If you want to add more banners, simply copy the <div class="swiper-slide"> [...] </div> code shown above.

Example of the slider's structure

<div class="swiper-slide"> [...] </div>
<div class="swiper-slide"> [...] </div>
<div class="swiper-slide"> [...] </div>


2) Card-type banner (three rows)

You can edit this section's source code by clicking on a card-type image in the Smart Themes Editor.


You can directly edit the source code in the HTML viewer or through the HTML editor window that opens when you click [Edit].

  1. Place the URL link to which you want to redirect users in the href="" of the <a> tag.
  2. Prepare banner images of equal dimensions in both WebP and JPG/PNG/GIF formats.
  3. Add the WebP image to the source srcset="” attribute.
  4. Add the JPG/PNG/GIF image to the img src="” attribute.
<div class="collection-item" module="custom_moduleedit_1">
<a href="Link">
<picture class="RTWB">
<source srcset="BannerImage_PC&Tablet.webp" type="image/webp">
<img src="BannerImage_PC&Tablet.jpg" width="100%" height="100%" alt="banner1" class="grayscale">
<!-- mobile image -->
<picture class="RMB">
<source srcset="BannerImage_Smartphone.webp" type="image/webp">
<img src="BannerImage_Smartphone.jpg" width="100%" height="100%" alt="banner1">

Recommended image sizes 

PC & Tablet Smartphone
400 x 500 px 328 x 240 px


You can check the section's source code range and location by selecting it and checking the marked area in the HTML viewer of Smart Themes Editor.
You can select the entire source code section for the card-type three-row banner and delete or move it.
<!-- collection --> Section <!-- // collection -->


3) Product layout (4 columns)

Products sold on your store appear in a 4-column layout under the top banner.

  • The module code "product_listmain_1" is used for this section.
    You can find it in Products > Product layout > Home page category layout > Manage home categories on your Cafe24 admin.
  • The text entered for [Product category] is displayed as the title of this section.
  • Products you add to that home category will appear in this section.



4) Video-type banner

You can add a banner made out of a video here.
The video starts loading and expands to the full screen when a user clicks on the banner.



Change the file links for an image or video banner as follows.

  1. Prepare an image (.webp and .jpg/.png/.gif) to use on the banner before the video starts.
  2. Add the WebP image to the source srcset="” attribute.
  3. Add the JPG/PNG/GIF image to the img src="” attribute.
  4. Replace the link in source data-src="" under the video tag with a link to your video.
<section class="inner videoBanner" module="custom_moduleedit_4">
<picture class="preview">
<source srcset="BannerImage_Smartphone.webp" media="(max-width: 767px)">
<source srcset="BannerImage_Tablet.webp" media="(max-width: 1024px)">
<source srcset="BannerImage_PC.webp" type="image/webp">
<img src="BannerImage_PC.jpg" alt="banner" loading="lazy" width="100%" height="100%">
<div class="layer">
<video muted controls preload="auto" id="video" class="video">
<source data-src="VideoLink.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<button type="button" class="btnClose"><i aria-hidden="true" class="icon icoClose"></i>Close</button>

Recommended image sizes 

PC Tablet Smartphone
1240 x 400 px 720 x 300 px 328 x 190 px


5) Sale items layout (five rows)

You can use this section to display the products you sell in a 5-row layout.

  • The module code "product_listmain_3" is used for this section.
    You can find it in Products > Product layout > Home page category layout > Manage home categories on your Cafe24 admin.
  • The text entered for [Product category] is displayed as the title of this section.
  • Products you add to that home category will appear in this section.


6) Card-type banner (two rows)

You can edit this section's source code by clicking on a card-type image in the Smart Themes Editor.


  1. Place the URL link to which you want to redirect users in the href="" under the <a> tag.
  2. Prepare images of equal dimensions in both WebP and JPG/PNG/GIF formats.
  3. Add the WebP image to the source srcset="” attribute.
  4. Add the JPG/PNG/GIF image to the img src="” attribute.
<a href="Link" module="custom_moduleedit_5">
<source srcset="BannerImage.webp" />
<img src="BannerImage.jpg" alt="banner" loading="lazy" width="100%" height="100%"/>

Recommended image sizes

Recommended image sizes
610 x 320 px


7) Product layout (3 columns)

You can use this section at the bottom of the page to display the products you sell in a 3-row layout.

  • The module code "product_listmain_2" is used for this section.
    You can find it in Products > Product layout > Home page category layout > Manage home categories on your Cafe24 admin.
  • The text entered for [Product category] is displayed as the title of this section.
  • Products you add to that home category will appear in this section.


8) Instagram

Install the Instagram Widget from Cafe24 Store to use this section.
Once the app is installed, select this section in Smart Themes Editor and delete it.



4. Customizing icons

You can change the icons that appear on your product pages (Add to cart, Add to wishlist, etc.) through the Cafe24 admin.


From the Cafe24 admin, go to Themes (PC) > Features > Icons for your store's PC version, and Themes (Mobile) > Features > Icons for your store's mobile version.
You can upload new icon images that you created to fit the size recommendations or download the current images to edit them.

Recommended image sizes 

PC Smartphone (PC size x2)
26 x 26 px 52 x 52 px




2. CSS editing

Media query configuration

Since IBase is a responsive theme, when you edit the style of either the smartphone, tablet or PC, you will also have to edit the style included in the corresponding media query syntax.
Media queries must be configured as follows.
(This example shows cases in which the font size needs to be adjusted depending on the device.)

Source code example

/*The source codes used accross all devices (smartphones, tablets and PC) 
are put at the top. */
.banner { color:#000; }

/*The styles that need to be added separately for each device are added below. */
/* Smartphones */
@media all and (max-width:767px) {
.banner { font-size:14px; }

/* Tablets */
@media all and (max-width:1024px) {
.banner { font-size:16px; }

/* PC */
@media all and (min-width:1025px) {
.banner { font-size:20px; }


Responsive class
These are the classes used for showing/hiding elements depending on the device. They only have the display property.

  Smartphone Tablet Smartphone & Tablet PC
RMI (Responsive Mobile Inline) RTI (Responsive Tablet Inline) - RWB (Responsive Web Block)
RMB (Responsive Mobile Block) RTB (Responsive Tablet Block) RTMB (Responsive Tablet Mobile Block) RWI (Responsive Web Inline)
RMIB (Responsive Mobile Inline-Block) RTIB (Responsive Tablet Inline-Block) RTMI (Responsive Tablet Mobile Inline-Block) RWIB (Responsive Web Inline-Block)
- - - RW (display:none for smartphones/tablets)

Only for smartphones
display:none for PC/tablets

Only for tablets
display:none for smartphones/PC

Only for smartphones/tablets
display:none for PC
Only for PC
display:none for smartphones/tablets


Usage example 

You can use media queries to add a line-break to a text on smartphones only.
When the RMB class is added to the < br > tag, the < br > tag will become display:none on PC sizes, making the line-break disappear, and display:block on smartphone sizes, creating a line-break.

<p>This sentence will only have <br class="RMB">a line-break on smartphones.</p>
Text as seen on a desktop Text as seen on a smartphone
This sentence will only have a line-break on smartphones. This sentence will only have
a line-break on smartphones.


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