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Customer information

Manage the information of customer accounts registered to your store.

Filtered search

With our advanced search tool you can find and manage customer records using the filters of your choice.

  1. Go to Customers>Manage customers>Customer information.
  2. Click on Advanced search at the bottom right of the filter section.
  3. Select the filters you wish to use (age, first order, ordered items, etc.) and click Search.


Some filters may be disabled depending on the signup fields you have set up.

Managing customers via CSV

Simply import a CSV file containing customer data to register multiple customer accounts in one go.

  1. Go to Customers>Manage customers>Signup/Deleted accounts>Bulk import customer profiles.
  2. Download the template and fill it in. Save the file as CSV(*.csv) and import it to your Cafe24 admin.


  • You can only register new accounts using this feature.
  • You cannot edit the data of existing accounts with this feature.
  • You can modify customer information directly through your admin page.

Generating temporary passwords

You can create a temporary password for customers who have forgotten the password to their account. The password must follow the same rules as specified in Customers>Signup/Deleted accounts>Account signup fields.

  1. Go to Customers>Manage customers>Customer information.
  2.  Search for the customer that needs a temporary password and click on their name.
  3.  Go to Customer profile and follow either of the following options.
    • Automatically generate a password by clicking Generate temporary password, then click OK in the confirm box.
    • Create a password yourself by filling in the Password and Confirm Password fields and saving your changes by clicking Save at the bottom of the page.
  4.  The temporary password will be sent to the customer's email address.


Blacklisting accounts

You can blacklist both customer accounts and guests.
Make sure you specify a reasonable reason for restricting shoppers in your Terms of Use, operation policies or store regulations if you wish to use the blacklisting feature.
Disputes may arise if you do not mention a reason for restrictions. Note that Cafe24 does not bear any responsibility in this regard.

Blacklisting customer accounts

How to blacklist customer accounts:

  1. Go to Customers>Manage customers>Customer information.
  2. Simply click Search to view all your registered customers.
  3. Select the relevant customer(s) and click Add to blacklist.
  4. Select the relevant information in the popup window.
  5. Save your changes

How to remove accounts from your blacklist:

  1. Select the relevant customer(s) and click Add to blacklist again.
  2. Select No for Add to blacklist in the popup window.
  3. Save your changes

Blacklisting orders (guests)

How to blacklist an order (guest) :

  1. Search for the relevant guest order under the Orders menu.
  2. Click the order number to open the Order details popup page, go to Customer information and click Add to blacklist.

How to search for blacklisted orders:

  1. Go to Orders>Fulfillment>All orders.
  2. Use the advanced search and select Guest for Account type, then check the box for Bad order.
  3. Search with these filters to find all blacklisted orders.

How to remove orders from your blacklist:

  1. Go to Orders>Fulfillment>All orders>Order details (popup window).
  2. Click Remove from blacklist in the customer information section. The relevant customer will be removed from your blacklist and their orders will no longer be marked as bad orders.


If you blacklist a guest, the selected order and all their following orders will be marked as bad orders.

Initializing customer data

You can delete customer data from your admin page.

  1. Go to Customers>Manage customers>Customer information.
  2. Find all the customers registered to your store by clicking Search, select all the results and click Delete.


You cannot recover customer data after deleting it.

1. Go to Customers>Manage customers>Customer information.

2. Find all the customers registered to your store by clicking Search, select all the results and click Delete.


If you have many customer accounts, you can change your display settings to show 200+ results per page to speed up the process. However, you may experience lag if you choose to show 1,000 results per page.

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