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Smart Layout

Let's take a look at your product layout now that you have added products to your store.

Smart Layout is a service made for those who want to regularly update their product layout to best catch the eye of shoppers.
Save time and money with this automated layout management service by simply setting up a few details.


What is Smart Layout?

"I wish my product layout were automatically updated
based on which products are most popular at that time!"

Smart Layout regularly updates your product layout based on product data it gathers from your store.
Simply specify a few conditions and the program will automatically update your layout and display new products.
You can use product data (number of orders, number of views, etc.) or hashtags to set up display conditions for the auto layout feature.


Setting up Smart Layout

Selecting product categories

You can use Smart Layout on any category, including home categories and product categories.
When you first access Smart Layout, you will have the possibility to choose the product categories you want to automatically rearrange. Click the layout status of each category to configure its layout settings.
You can also search for categories by category name on the same page.
You can enable Smart Layout for up to 30 categories. Check the number of categories you have selected in the top right corner.



  • Within product categories, you can only automatically rearrange the layout of "Recommended products" and "New products" sections. You cannot enable Auto layout for the regular "Products" section.
  • This is because Auto layout can only work with up to 200 products and most of the "Products" sections contain more than 200 products.


Configuring the auto layout

1. Go to Products > Product layout > Smart Layout.
2. Switch the radio button on for Auto layout and click OK in the pop-up window that will appear.

Maximum number of products

  • You can use Auto layout for up to 200 products.
  • Depending on the display conditions, the number of products actually displayed on your storefront may differ from the amount you have configured.
  • Use the - and + buttons to adjust the number of products you want to automatically rearrange.

3. You can choose when to activate your auto layout settings under Schedule layout. If you select Display now, the auto layout settings will be applied to your store instantly. If you select Set start time, you can schedule the auto layout settings for later.
4. Click the Save in the top right corner.



  • Auto layout: OFF → ON
    If you enable Auto layout, the products in the selected category will automatically be rearranged based on the display conditions you set.
  • Auto layout: ON → OFF
    If you disable Auto layout, the products in the selected category will freeze in their current order and you will be able to manually rearrange them again.


Setting display conditions - ① Product data

You can configure display conditions based on product data.

1. Sorting order
You can sort products by number of orders and views, conversion rate, click value, and date added.
- Conversion rate: Chance of an order being made per click
- Click value: Estimated order amount per click

2. Update frequency
Product layouts are updated at 6 a.m. every day based on data collected from your store the previous day.

3. Date range
Configure the period during which you want to collect data for Smart Layout.


Setting display conditions - ② Hashtag

You can sort products by hashtag.

1. Setting up hashtags
Enter a keyword to display the products that were added with the corresponding hashtag in Product information > Hashtags.

2. Sorting order
You can select a sorting order for products with the same hashtags.


Excluding categories

You can exclude the categories that you want to continue rearranging manually.
Select a category or a subcategory you wish to exclude and click Add.
The excluded categories are listed below the Add button. If you wish to remove a category from the list, click the X button to its right.

Configure the excluded categories by selecting either Exclude from all categories and Exclude from this category.
① Exclude from all categories: The categories you select will be excluded from all main categories (e.g. home categories, product categories, etc.).
② Exclude from this category: The selected categories will only be excluded from the main category you are currently editing.


Previewing auto layouts

After configuring your display conditions, you will get a preview of your new product layout on the right side of the page.
Product information is shown on each product's image. (Selected sorting order/Product code/Product name/Price)
The display settings for out-of-stock products are the same as those configured in Products > Categories > Product categories.



  • You cannot manually add/edit/delete products in the Auto layout mode.
  • The product layout you see using the preview feature may differ from what your store will look like depending on when you save your settings.


Taking Smart Layout a step further

1. You can use additional features in Smart Layout with the following services.

  • SERA
    Display products based on real-time product data: You can use real-time product data by subscribing to SERA. Click Use real-time data sorting to use this feature.
    Update frequency: You can choose an update frequency or set a specific time to update your layout.

2. Use Smart Layout on any device
This feature is responsive and available on any device, including PCs, tablets, and mobiles.
3. This tool is optimized for Google Chrome and Firefox.


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