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[Facebook Channel] What are the requirements for linking your Facebook assets to Facebook Channel?

Assets that can be linked to Facebook Channel are subject to the following conditions.


Users can link assets under Facebook Business Manager to Facebook Channel through [Channel settings].

Assets that are owned by the currently logged-in Facebook account will be displayed in [Channel settings]. However, certain assets may not be available in accordance with the restrictions below.

1. Facebook Business Manager
- Users must have admin access to the business.
- The selected Business Manager can only select Ad Accounts, Catalogs, Pages, and Pixel assets where admin access is enabled.

2. Facebook Page
- The selected Business Manager must own and have admin access to the Facebook Page.
- A Facebook Page cannot be selected if any of the following conditions apply:
① The Page has already been designated as the default Page for another business.
② The Page is linked to another payment account and owned by another Business Manager.
③ The user has been an admin of the Page for 7 days or less.

3. Instagram account
- The selected Business Manager must own and have admin access to the Instagram account.
- An Instagram account cannot be selected if any of the following conditions apply:
① The Instagram account has already been designated as the default account for another business.
② The Instagram account is linked to another payment account and owned by another Business Manager.

4. Facebook Catalog
- The selected Business Manager must own and have admin access to the Facebook Catalog.
- A Facebook Catalog cannot be selected if any of the following conditions apply:
① The catalog category is not for commerce purposes.
② The catalog is not the same as the selected Business Manager.
③ The catalog is not active.

5. Ad Account
- The selected Business Manager must own and have admin access to the Facebook Ad Account.
- A Facebook Ad Account cannot be selected if any of the following conditions apply:
① The Ad Account is not active
② The Ad Account does not have a payment invoice.
③ The Ad Account uses manual payment.
④ The Ad Account is not the same as the selected Business Manager.
⑤ The selected Business has reached the maximum number of Ad Accounts.

6. Facebook Pixel
- The selected Business Manager must own and have admin access to the Facebook Pixel.
- A Facebook Pixel cannot be selected if any of the following conditions apply:
① The Pixel is not active due to activity that violates Facebook policies.
② The Ad Account which owns the Pixel does not meet the requirements.