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1. Adding and deleting products on display

  •  Click on Add product to open a pop-up through which you can add products to the category you selected.
  • Select a product from the product list and click Add. The product will be displayed at the top of the product list.
  • If you select a product and click Not on display, the selected product will not be shown in the selected category. This does not affect the product's display status for other categories.

2. Changing the layout order

  • The layout order can only be rearranged when Custom sorting is selected for Layout by category in Products > Categories > Product categories
  • Products will be sorted according to the layout order in the list.
  • Select a product and click the arrow buttons or enter a number in Layout order of the selected product and click Change to change the layout order.
  • If you rearrange the layout order of a product by entering a number, the product will be relocated to the corresponding position and each of the other products located after the product will be moved down one line.
  • If you enter a number greater than the total number of products on display in Layout order of the selected product, the selected product will be sent to the bottom.
  • When you change the layout order, the rearranged products' new layout order will be indicated in a speech bubble in the Layout order column.
  • You can pin products to a specific order by clicking on the pin icon that appears when you hover your mouse over the layout order.
  • You can pin or unpin a product's location by clicking the pin icon.
  • The layout order of pinned products will not change even when other products are added or deleted.

3. Actual layout order

  • The actual layout order will be determined depending on the priority settings for each product as well as the product's layout settings, product status, inventory status and pin settings.
  • Depending on a category's display settings, if a product is set to Not on display, Not for sale or is out of stock, the layout order of the product may not be applied according to the one you have set in this menu.
  • The layout order of a product will be applied according to the order set in this menu once you change the status of the product to On display or For sale, or once it is back in stock.


Rearranging product layouts in bulk via CSV

If you do not want to reorder the layout of products individually, you can use a CSV file to rearrange them all in one go.


Import via CSV

  • Click Export as CSV to download a list of products with their current layout settings.
  • Open the CSV file and change the layout order.
  • You can only enter numbers in the Layout order column. An error will occur if you leave a cell blank or enter letters other than numbers.
  • Deleting or adding products after downloading a CSV file will not affect the downloaded file.
  • Updating product names or codes in the CSV file will have no effect on your admin page.
  • Enter Y in the Pin product column to pin a product to the corresponding location. You can then leave the cell blank or enter N to unpin the product.
  • Once you upload the edited CSV file, your storefront's layout will be updated.
  • Make sure you save your file as .xlsx or .xls if you are using Microsoft Excel.


Check the next four settings if your products are not displayed on your storefront despite having configured the above settings

1) When display and product status settings need to be changed:
If you set a product as Not on display or Not for sale, the product will not be displayed on your storefront. If you want to display the product, change the product's status to On display and For sale.

  1. Go to Products > Products > Product list.
  2. Click a product name to open the Edit product window.
  3. Change the product's display status to On display and product status to For sale.
  4. Click Save.

2) When the product is not added to any product category:
Products not assigned to a specific product category will not be displayed on your storefront.
Follow the next steps to check whether the product is added to at least one product category.

  1. Go to Products > Products > Product list.
  2. Click a product name to open the Edit product window.
  3. Select a product category in the Product category section and click Add.
  4. Click Save.

3) When you chose to hide zero-priced products:

If you leave a product's MSRP empty, its price will be automatically set as 0.
If you select No for Display zero-priced products, products that have a MSRP of USD 0 will be not be listed on your storefront.
If you want to display the product, change the setting to Yes or enter a value greater than 0 for MSRP.

  1. Go to My Store > Store setup > General settings.
  2. Select Yes for Display zero-priced products.
  3. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

4) When expiration date is enabled:
If you enabled Expiration date and the expiration date has passed, the product will not be displayed on your storefront. If you wish to display the product on your storefront, disable the setting or change the expiration date.

  1. Go to Products > Products > Product list.
  2. Click a product name to open the Edit product window.
  3. Select Disable for Expiration date or update the expiration date.
  4. Click Save.


How can I change the number of products displayed per row?

By using a module:
  1. Go to Themes (PC) and click Edit theme.
  2. Select the page that you want to edit (e.g. Home page, Product category page) in Smart Theme Editor.
  3. Hover your mouse over the section you want to edit on the preview screen. The section will be marked with blue borders and an Edit button will appear.
  4. Click Edit to open the theme editor module window and click Design.
  5. Update the theme settings and click Apply.
  6. Click Save in the top left corner of Smart Themes Editor.
By editing theme source codes:
  1. Go to Themes (PC) and click Edit theme.
  2. Select the page you want to edit (e.g. Home page, Product category page) in Smart Theme Editor.
  3. Hover your mouse over the section you want to edit on the preview screen. The section will be marked with blue borders and an Edit button will appear.
  4. Click Edit to open the theme editor module window and click HTML.
  5. Press CTRL and type <ul class="prdList column in the search box.
  6. Type the number of product per rows you want after <ul class="prdList column. Enter any number between 3 and 5, and click Apply.